Members of a USDF Group Member Organization (GMO) enjoy all the benefits of their GMO and USDF through one membership process. By joining a GMO, members automatically become a member of USDF, the only national organization devoted exclusively to dressage.
GET INVOLVEDVOLUNTEER GDCTA is a member-run organization that depends on volunteers. Become involved in any of the many activities we offer. Complete training provided! + Learn More About Volunteer Opportunities SPONSOR Your services or products promoted to dressage and eventing members at Horse Shows, Educational Events, GDCTA Website, and the Annual Awards Gala. VENDOR We are looking forward to an exciting year and encourage you "set up shop" at our many upcoming events. YOUTH GDCTA offers many programs for those under 21 with a current membership. GRANTS Providing educational opportunities to members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to the sport as well as service within the Association.
GDCTA STORE ABOUT USThe Georgia Dressage & Combined Training Association (GDCTA) is a 501(c)3 non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the equestrian sports of dressage and combined training (eventing). Run entirely by volunteers, the association and its members regularly organize and sponsor various activities designed to heighten its members’ and the general public’s knowledge of and appreciation for dressage and combined training. GDCTA belongs to Zone 4 of US Equestrian Federation (USEF). In addition, GDCTA is a Region 3 Group Member Organization (GMO) of the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) and an Area III Associate Member of the United States Eventing Association (USEA). GDCTA is the largest organization of its kind in the southeastern United States, boasting nearly 850 members. GDCTA members range from first-time riders to Olympians. | Upcoming events
DONORS - We want to thank you, the many supporters who have contributed to GDCTA over the years. Funding provided by the members and friends is essential to GDCTA fulfilling its mission and supports member programs. Make a secure donation online (below). Contributors making a tax deductible gift of $50 or more will be recognized in the newsletter. |
Facebook Feed CONTACT USGDCTA is led by your peers and exists to serve our members’ needs. If you would like to be involved with committee or just have general suggestions, please contact the appropriate member. + Contact Information |