GDCTA is a member-run organization that depends on the participation of its members! We welcome you to get involved in any of the many activities we offer.
Awards It not only takes countless hours of dedication and determination to reach riding goals, it takes a special spirit. As part of its mission, GDCTA offers a variety of award programs to recognize member achievement in dressage and eventing. The year-end award winners are celebrated during the Annual Awards Gala held early each year. In addition to the Awards Gala, GDCTA publishes an annual print edition of the Collected Remarks called a “yearbook” recognizing member successes. GDCTA sets up each grant as an “event” so you will find more about them on the Event Calendar. The GDCTA Grant has been established to provide funding support for GDCTA member-riders who are working to sharpen their riding skills. Four grants of $800* each will be offered to GDCTA members for concentrated work with a trainer of their choice within one year of receiving the grant award. MissionThe mission of the GDCTA Grant Program is to provide educational opportunities to members who have demonstrated exceptional commitment to and/or excellence in the sport as well as service and ambassadorship within the Association. The grant is meant for a GDCTA member to have the opportunity to be in a training situation that is not readily available during the course of his/her daily pattern. Grant monies must be used to participate in educational programs that include, but are not limited to: seminars, workshops, clinics and training programs offered by recognized or certified instructors. RequirementsThese grants represent an investment by GDCTA. The recipient understands that the membership will benefit as a result of the recipient’s experience, therefore it is a requirement that the recipient will:
*I understand that I will receive an initial $600 of the grant after details of my training are confirmed, and one month before my training; the balance in the amount of $200 will be sent to me when the GDCTA newsletter editors receive my training experience article. One grant will be awarded in each of the following categories:
Opening Date: February 1 FOR MORE INFORMATION:You will need to let us know you are applying on the Event page and then email your application with your 1 reference letter and the letter from the trainer you will be working with to Janie Pride.
We would prefer all applications and recommendations letters to be emailed.
8055 Midland Rd Midland, GA 31820-4214 AND . . .The Equestrian Journal - for winnersEach GDCTA grant recipient will receive a special journal donated by The Equestrian Journal. Journaling is a great tool to help you organize your thoughts and record your progress. Catherine Respess will also provide a journal coaching session to each grant winner to give them a “leg up” and fully enjoy the power of Journaling!! Learn more: Kudzu Klinics The Kudzu Klinic Program is designed to provide an opportunity for low-cost instruction of correct basics for lower-level riders and their horses. A Trainer or Lecturer donates their time for the betterment of the sport and enjoyment of our riders. For example, in a dressage lesson format there will be one to two riders in each 45-minute session, with a maximum of 8 sessions. Lectures may be given at the clinics. REQUIREMENTS• You must be a GDCTA member to ride. • Riders must include payment with entry to reserve a place in each clinic. Pay online. • Rider Fee: $20 • Auditor Fee: $10 • A copy of a current negative Coggins certificate is required. • All entries must sign a copy of the GDCTA Hold Harmless agreement. Kudzu Klinics are listed in the Events Calendar. GDCTA Hold Harmless Release Form | GDCTA Youth Committee Mission Statement
The GDCTA Youth Committee is an assembly of youth dressage and eventing rider-members. It is a leadership opportunity regardless of one’s riding endeavors and accomplishments. The Committee’s goal is to grow and retain GDCTA’s junior member population by promoting benefits of belonging to a GMO through educational, clinic and awards programs. These programs include the Letterman Jacket Program and Dressage Seat Equitation Medal Finals. All programs promote sportsmanship and volunteerism. The Committee will report to the GDCTA Board and will keep minutes. The Committee will strive to be self-funded to achieve the goals mentioned above, through fundraisers and work projects. GDCTA is seeking new members for its Ambassador Program! Anyone wanting to join the Youth Committee, contact Joanne Morse. GDCTA supports NAYCThe FEI North American Youth Championships (NAYC) for Dressage is a unique and prestigious competition which brings together the top Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) Junior and Young Riders, ages 14-21, from throughout North American and neighboring countries. Young equestrians vie for team and individual FEI medals in the three Olympic equestrian disciplines of dressage, show jumping, and eventing. NAYC is subject to the rules and restrictions of the FEI and is designated as a Continental Championship. It is the only FEI championship held annually on this continent. The NAYC process can be daunting for new participants. If you are new to this process, click HERE for further information. Dressage Seat Equitation Schooling Show Medal FinalsGDCTA Youth Program's Dressage Seat Medal Finals is held annually at the GDCTA Summer Finals Schooling Show at Wills Park, Alpharetta.
This is a Dressage Seat Equitation Challenge for our Schooling Show participants modeled after the USDF Regional Semi-Finals and Finals Event. Similar to the hunter riders, these classes will run as a group Dressage Seat Equitation Class, broken into two age divisions, ages 13 & under and 14-18.
Classes will consist of Walk, Trot, & Canter with additional test movements asked individually. Watch in Schooling Show Prize Lists to find qualifying shows. HOW TO QUALIFY
LENDON GRAY's DRESSAGE4KIDS & ATLANTA YOUTH FESTIVALThis unique educationally themed competition consists of 3 elements:
Each section is worth 100 points for an overall high score that wins. On Saturday evening, competitors and family are invited to join us and a featured speaker for dinner and conversation. These top athletes will inspire our youth by sharing their journey of what it takes to be a high performance rider, otherwise known as “Preparedness meets Opportunity.” Turn Out Inspection:Prior to rider’s first mounted endeavor, riders may present themselves for inspection of horse, tack, and rider where designated. Awards:Grand Champion and Reserve Ribbons for Overall Highest Score per Division and place ribbons (Intro, Training, etc.); Ribbons for each Section: Written Test, Equitation Class, and Dressage Test separately. Several High Point Awards. D4K and Atlanta Youth Festival are listed in the Events Calendar. LETTERMAN JACKET PROGRAM